tisdag 19 april 2011

Digitala resurser för analoga lektioner

Alla lektioner behöver inte vara digitala bara för att man har en dator (om ni inte har kommit på det, menar jag) Eleverna uppskattar ibland en paus och det finns massor av resurser gratis.
Hittade två som jag tror att många skulle ha nytta av. Här finns massor av redigerbara mallar på spel, snacktärningar, bingobrickor, korsord, dolda ord och annat smått och gott som kan användas i många ämnen. Varför inte ett Periodiska systemet, eller atomviktsbingo? Eller bergartsbingo? Historia-korsord? Vad vet jag!

Var lekful, var kreativ!


2 kommentarer:

  1. As well as giving a break from technology, it is sensible to have a back up in case the technology fails.
    Computers have mechanical components and at some point they WILL fail. Also you have to have something ready in case of an unexpected event.
    Last year some building contractors who were building a new supermarket, dug through the fibre optic cable that provided internet access to my school (amongst others). This caused all sorts of problems as we were without internet access for a week and a lot of the staff had no contingency plans to teach without access to the internet! It was an interesting week!

  2. I can imagine! Our technicians updated the firewall a couple of weeks back, and we had a day of network problems, and it caused all kinds of problems. Lessons were cancelled and people were really stressed out! Then the old folders of copy sheets really come in handy! :o)
